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Desai Lock are well-known For Their Foolproof Security With Elegance. The Research and Development of The Company, Having A Team Of Experienced Profesionals Who Have Given A New Dimension To Lock Technology, Is continuously working With Full Zeal And Dedication To Modernise And Upgrade The Technology. This Ensures The High Level Security And Safety To Meet The Present Day Need.


Pad Lock Color
Pad Lock Color
Warded Lever Mechanism
Two BCP Steel Keys
Available Size No.
Round Color Lock
Precision Lever Mechanism
Rivetless Machine pressed clinch joint
All size available in BCP
Available Sizes : 25mm,30mm,35mm,45mm,55mm,60mm,70mm
Round G-Type Lock
Round G-Type Lock
Precision Lever Mechanism
Rivetless Machine pressed clinch joint
Extra keys 3 & 4 available

Available in BCP
Available Sizes . 40mm,50mm,65mm,75mm
  Brass Square Kada-Type Lock
Brass Square Kada-Type Lock
Full Brass Lock with Brass Lever 
10mm, 20mm, 30mm, 40mm, 45mm & 50mm
Qila Lock
Round Color Lock
Full Steel Body Lock
All With 3 Keys
AvailableSizes : 40mm,50mm,65mm,75mm
Chainer Type Lock
Quila Lock
Brass & Steel Plate Body 
Available Sizes:
20,mm,30mm,40mm,50mm, 65mm,75mm
2000 Lock
2000 Lock
Special Designed for Shutters & Doors
Brass body with Steel Plates riveted on both sides
Available Sizes:
50mm,65mm, 75mm,90mm
Duschal Lock
Duschal Lock 
Available with Tadi & without Tadi
Available in color & BCP
2 Keys for outside & 1 key for inside
 Side Shutter Lock
Side Shutter Lock
3 stroke Lock
Available in left & right side Locking
Atoot Square Double Locking
Atoot Square Double Locking Mechanism
Double reinforce by 5 steel Rivets
Three Milled Keys
Available Sizes :
50mm, 55mm, 60mm, 65mm,70mm
Round Atoot Double Locking
Round Atoot Square Double Locking
Precision Lever Mechanism
Rivetless Machine pressed clinch joint
With 3 Keys only
Available Sizes:
50mm,65mm, 75mm,
Round Atoot Double Locking
Precision Lever Mechanism
Rivetless Machine pressed clinch joint
Available in Nickle Plated
Available Sizes:
46mm, 56mm, 72mm,
Center Shutter Lock
Center Shutter Lock
Hudka made of steel
To Protect hudka specially designed
Available Size No.3
Freedom Lock G-Type
Freedom Lock G-Type
Precision Lever Mechanism
Rivetless Machine pressed clinch joint
All With 3 Keys
Available Size:
Chudidar Type Lock
Chudidar Type Lock
Full brass lock with Brass Lever
All with 4 stainless steel Keys
Available Size:
Disc Lock
Disc Lock
Solid full round lock with 3 keys,
designed to prevent cutting of sackle
Available Size
65mm,75mm, 80mm, 90mm,100mm
Pin Cylinder Lock
Lleft/right side available
Long cylinder available
Available Size 3,4,6 & 8 stroke
Bullet Lock
Bullet Lock
Available Size: 75mm & 100mm
can be operated form both side with same key
same lock can be used for left/right side.
Round G-type Brass Lock
Round G-type Brass Lock
Precision Lever Mechanism
Rivetless Machine pressed clinch joint
With 3 keys only
Available Size 40mm,50mm,65mm,

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2458 Manek chowk, Ahmedabad- 380 001. (Gujarat) India.
Ph: (O) +91-079-22143836 Fax +91-079-22148500

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